Melisa O'Shields
The HARTH Foundation‘s Melisa O’Shields and Crystal McElwain trotted into the KBEY 103.9 FM studio to talk about the organization’s feedraiser on Saturday, April 15, at Torr Na Lochs vineyard in Burnet. HARTH stands for Healing And Recovery Through Horses. The event will raise money to help feed the facility’s equine “staff.” Listen to “Help feed […]
Melisa O’Shields of the HARTH Foundation galloped into the KBEY 103.9 FM Radio Picayune studio to talk about the organization’s Feedraiser on Saturday, May 7. Read more about the fundraiser for the HARTH Foundation, which uses horses in mental health programs for veterans and others. Listen to “Feedraiser for HARTH Foundation” on Spreaker.