Youth saddle up for 4-H rodeo

July 10, 2017

We roped up the details on the 4-H youth rodeo with the help of Burnet County 4-H officers Luke Hayden (left), Madeline Holder, Brooke Miller, and Emily Moomaw. The youth rodeo is Wednesday, July 12, at the Charley Taylor Rodeo Arena south of Marble Falls on U.S. 281. Gates open at 6 p.m. The competition starts at 7 p.m. Admission is FREE! Participants ages 8-18 pay $10 per event, but if you sign up before tomorrow, you get a $10 discount. A portion of the proceeds go back to the Burnet County 4-H club. To register, call (830) 265-8048. Read more about the event at