Go Burnet Bulldogs!

February 20, 2014

Catch some Bulldogs basketball fever with Ed and Kay!

We’ll visit with the voice of the Burnet Bulldogs, Mark Edmonson, and he’ll get us ready for Friday night’s playoff game against Wichita Falls Hirschi, which will be broadcast live on KBEY 103.9 FM and at KBEYFM.com

We’ll also talk movies with Andy of ShowBiz Cinemas 8, dole out some more unprofessional advice with our “KBEY Coffee Talk,” see what’s for lunch with Ethel the Lunch Lady, “Ask the Mechanic” with Allan of Treadworks and buy, sell and trade with the “Trading Post.” Oh, and, of course, we’ll have your last chance to win tickets to the Royal Horse Gala at the Frank Erwin Center and the final matinee performance of “All I Need to Know I Learned In Kindergarten” at the Hill Country Community Theatre.

It’s gonna be an action-packed Friday morning “Wake Up Call” from 6 to 10 on KBEY 103.9 FM!