Wake up Monday for chances to win Thanksgiving turkey, oil-less fryer

November 22, 2013

Ed and Kay are ready to help you get ready for the short work week with your Monday morning “Wake Up Call!”

In honor of Thanksgiving, we’ll continue with our food-related Movie Line and give you a chance to win tickets to ShowBiz Cinemas 8 in Marble Falls. We’ll also have Storm’s Bucks for our KBEY Country Quiz winner and another chance for you to win a turkey courtesy of H-E-B and qualify to win an oil-less turkey fryer from Home Depot. Plus, we’ll talk with Burnet High School head football coach Kurt Jones about the Bulldogs in the playoffs.

Wake up with the “Wake Up Call” from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. on KBEY 103.9 FM!