Longhorn fans for life … and after! Today’s ‘Spooky Place’

October 23, 2013

Today’s “Spooky Place in Texas” is set on what most Texas Longhorns fans would consider hallowed ground: the Littlefield House on the University of Texas campus in Austin. The home was built in 1893 for Civil War veteran George Littlefield, who was a successful businessman in the banking and cattle trades and a major benefactor to UT.

After Littlefield, and then his wife, Alice, passed away, the beautiful Victorian home was donated to the university and is now used as office and event space and storage.

For those working in the upper floors of the home, the beauty of the woodwork and views from the windows are often overshadowed by unexplainable noises and creepy feelings. Many believe the home is haunted by the original mistress of the house, who was reported to have become agoraphobic as she advanced in age, which left her afraid to leave the home. As the phobia progressed, it is said she retreated to the attic of the home and never left it. And it is claimed her ghost still haunts it to this day.

Those who work in the building claim they hear the sounds of footsteps restlessly roaming the upper stories of the home, and some say she will occasionally play the old piano there.

Though unsettling, employees have gotten used to sharing their space with Alice, but many will agree  the only time they feel really frightened is when they are leaving the building for the night, having to shake off the feeling  they should be running instead of walking for fear of being locked in forever.

The Littlefield House stands proudly on the “40 Acres” and is definitely a grand house to behold. But don’t be surprised, when the moon is hanging in the sky just right, if you see a shadow move behind the small round window in one of the attic turrets. And, should you have the opportunity to walk through the home’s halls, you might want to quicken your step on the way out.

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