Spooky place: Omni Hotel has guests who never left

October 3, 2013

Today’s “Spooky Place in Texas” is The Omni Hotel in Downtown Austin!

The Omni provides guest amenities that might rival the largest hotel chains; however, according to the housekeepers, The Omni-Austin has a darker side to its luxurious surroundings. Some of the hotel’s staff and guests have seen the ghostly image of a former guest who tragically committed suicide at the hotel. There also have been reports of the sounds of children running up and down the hall when there were no children booked on the floor in question, and, apparently, there is a certain frisky spirit that likes to play with the ladies’ hair.

The Omni is a beautiful hotel, and it seems its spirits have no plans of checking out anytime soon!

If you know of a spooky place in Texas, let Kay know at kay@thepicayune.com, and she’ll happily research it and put it on the air. And, if it is close enough, she might investigate it herself!