Wake up Wednesday for fried fish, ‘oom-pah’ and more spooky Texas places

October 1, 2013

It’s going to be another happy Hill Country Hump Day with Ed and Kay!

Better late than never: We’ll visit with Johnny Campbell of the Marble Falls Area EMS about Wednesday evening’s big benefit fish fry at the Blue Bonnet Café on U.S. 281 in Marble Falls. We’ll also get our “oom-pah” on when we welcome Gerald Mantheiy to the studio. He is president of the Hill Country Community Band, and they have a great, free concert coming up.

Plus, we’ll visit another “Spooky Place in Texas” and have another spooky Movie Line as we celebrate October. There also will be prize giveaways with our KBEY Country Quiz.

It’s gonna be a wild and wacky Wednesday morning “Wake Up Call” from 6 to 10 on KBEY 103.9 FM!