Hit the links for Marble Falls Project Graduation
September 16, 2013
We’re so happy we got to visit with Midge Dockery about this Saturday’s Marble Falls Project Graduation Golf Tournament!
The four-person scramble tournament is Sept. 21 with a 1 p.m. shotgun start at the Hidden Falls Golf Club, 220 Meadowlakes Drive in Meadowlakes. The entry fee is $65 a player and includes a green fee, a cart, range balls, prizes and a meal. Hole sponsorships are $100 for businesses or individuals. You also can play in the tourney and sponsor a hole for $325.
For more information or to be a hole sponsor, call Lonnie Tackitt at (830) 265-0800 or Patti Mezger at (512) 755-4240 or go to the Hidden Falls Golf Course website.