Get swingin’ Monday with Marble Falls Project Graduation Golf Tournament

September 13, 2013

Ed and Kay want to start off your work week with a marvelous Monday “Wake Up Call!”

We’ll visit with Midge Dockery about the upcoming Marble Falls Project Graduation Golf Tournament on Sept. 21. We’ll also follow up with Marble Falls Mayor George Russell and Burnet Mayor Gary Russell on their Bulldogs/Mustangs football game wager.

Plus, we’ll have another visit from Ethel the Lunch Lady and give away some great prizes with our KBEY Country Quiz and Movie Line including tickets to the upcoming Bulldog Thunder Truck and Tractor Pull on Sept. 20-21. Go to for more about the event.

Join us for an action-packed Monday morning “Wake Up Call” from 6 to 10 on KBEY 103.9 FM!