Wake up — and saddle up — Tuesday with benefit trail ride organizers

September 9, 2013

Ed and Kay have a terrific Tuesday in store for you!

They’ll visit with Alma Alahmon, the director of the Highland Lakes Family Crisis Center, and Pat Moore, organizer of the Saddle Up for Safer Families event Sept. 14. Its a benefit trail ride that will explore the historic JB Johanson Ranch west of Burnet on Texas 29. Everyone will want to attend! Read more about the ride at DailyTrib.com.

We’ll also find out what’s for lunch at area schools with Ethel the Lunch Lady and give you chances to win great prizes with the KBEY Country Quiz and Movie Line.

By the way, in honor of the big Mustangs/Bulldogs rivalry game Sept. 13, this week’s Movie Lines all will be football related.

Wake up with the “Wake Up Call” on Tuesday morning from 6 to 10 on KBEY 103.9 FM!