Chamber Director Bill Rives with the latest scoop!

July 30, 2013

A big KBEY Kiss to Marble Falls Chamber Director and one of KBEY’s favorite guests, Bill Rives, for filling us in on all upcoming fun activities!

First and foremost, there’s the LakeFest boat races slated for Aug. 9-11.  This year is expected to be bigger and better than ever, with about 150 boats expected. That’s around 30 more boats than competed last year.

Locals can buy discounted tickets discounted tickets at the Marble Falls H-E-B until July 28. Also, those interested in volunteering during LakeFest can call Jean Eades of the Marble Falls Visitors Center at (830) 693-4449.

Fans are welcome to attend Show & Shine in Johnson Park, 230 Ave. J South, to get an up-close view of the boats and their crews 6-9 p.m. Aug. 9. Johnson Park also will be filled with the sounds of live music that weekend. The Texas K.G.B plays Aug. 9, and Allen Ray and Southern Comfort perform Aug. 10.

For more information, check out the story online at

You can call (830) 693-2815 to volunteer or log onto the Chamber website!

And there’s more!

Rives also told us about the paver and sculpture dedication this coming Sunday at 4:30 p.m. at the Chamber’s new Visitor’s Center. The pavers were purchased during the building of the Visitor Center, and will be laid in special areas outside the building on Sunday. They also will be dedicating a sculpture created by Father Lopez of St. John’s Catholic Church in Marble Falls made from scraps from the old 281 bridge.
Marble Falls Independant School District’s New Staff Welcome Breakfast is set for Tuesday, Aug. 13. You still have time to become a “Chamber Buddy” to “adopt” a new teacher during the breakfast. It’s a great way to meet the new staff and promote your business and Marble Falls as well.